Join the SBE!

All of the places avalible and unavalible:

The Eye- For this job you need to be knowledgeable and quick and clear at communicating.  As you need to tell the SBE about dangers coming and explain what animals creatures are. 

Bodyguard- For this job you need to be quick, have lots of defensive skills and be able to defend and attack. As you need to stop people harming yourself and the SBE members.

Designer- For this job you need to be crafty and good at making eye catching things. As you will be making posters to help the SBE.

Singer- For this job you need to be loud, clear and good at singing. As for this job you will be singing the songs the SBE have written.

Doctor/vet-  For this job you need to be able to feel how animals and humans are feeling, gentle and talent for making people and animals feel better. As you will help any insured animal we find or the SBE members that are hurt.

Transporter- For this job you need to be punctual, being able to fly, pilote and drive. As you will be driving the SBE members to where they need to be or where the adventure begins.

If their are any other jobs you think the SBE could have commant us on notes!

When Holly joined the SBE it was great and the amazing club got even better, however she put here name down as a docter/vet but couldn’t quite get the docer bit right so she had to look for a knew job in the SBE. Unfortunately, Holly couldn’t find anymore jobs she could do so she had to leave it was really sad and disappointing. It was a little while after that she came back stronger than before asking why she needed to be a vet and a docter why could’t she be just the vet. From then onwards the SBE’s future has been changed beacuse of HOLLY!!!!!!!!! So she has 2 amazing certificates.

Certificate Of Completion
Certificate Of Award

Rosa Newman came into the SBE at the age of 6 and has loved it up to 8 [the age she is now] and I think she will love it for as long as she lives. Rosa has made the SBE a much more fun, exciting and extrordinary place that will live on forever. Rosa is a bodyguard who will attack and defend for the SBE, her personal trainer is Emma and her partner is John. Because of her hard work she has 2 amazing certificates.

Certificate Of Completion
Certificate Of Award

John Murray came into the SBE at the age of 6 and has loved it and I think he will love it for as long as it will carry on. John has made the SBE a much more amazing, exciting and happy place that will live on forever. John is a bodyguard in the SBE who will attack and defend like Rosa, his personal trainer is Amy [main explorer] and his partner is Rosa. Because of John’s hard work he has 2 amazing certificates.

Certificate Of Completion
Certificate Of Award