SBE Points And Rewards

SBE Points

1st – Holly– Amazing!

2nd- Rosa– Keep going!

3rd- John– Don’t give up!

John Murray (55 points)

[Most recent points]

1 point- for being good at the SBE meeting

10 points- getting out of the truck independently

20 points- donating £10 to the SBE!!!!

5 points- Participating when raising money for the SBE

5 points- Doing well in long and difficult hikes.

Rosa Newman (63 points)

[Most recent points]

2 points- Helping with some things

15 points- Overcoming fear when jumping of the high rocks and into the water.

5 points- Participating when raising money for the SBE

5 points- Doing well in long and difficult hikes.

Holly Murray (73 points)

[Most recent points]

5 points- being good at previous SBE meetings

4 points- Climbing onto the shed and truck

15 points- For really going for it and being the first member (after the leaders) to jump into the river off the high rocks.

5 points- Participating when raising money for the SBE

5 points- Doing well in long and difficult hikes.

5 points- Helping set up the SBE tent