Adventures And Funny Tales!

21 adventures and funny tales!

Croc Loss– This story is true and set in Wales… John’s Croc went loose in a fast current stream into the sea. Amy and Emma struggled into the water and caught the Croc they then swam back to shore and returned the shoe to John.

River Ride- This story is true and set in Cumbria… Emma and Amy had a boat and were sailing across the seven sea’s (a river.) They were sailing until they came across an island. They explored it and found some berries, they were not sure if they could eat them so instead rummaged through the bag and found some biscuits…. they ate them.

Mountain Climb- This story is true and set in Cumbria… One day, all of the SBE members were climbing a mountain. They saw tigers, (goats) falling boulders (falling stones) and quick sand (mud.) On the way, they drank mountain water but they made it and at the top they ate roar meat (a picnic.)

Camping car journey- This story is true and was set in Amy, Holly and John’s car… One day Amy and Holly were in their car with their family they were going on a caming trip with Emma. Soon everybody got out of the car for an emergency wee. Suddenly when they were of and going again John said he needed to get out! Holly’s Dad took him to get out then he stepped not cat, not dog but what we thought was human poo! The rest of the journey stank!!!!

Broken Bridge- This story is true and set in Macclesfeild…Amy, Emma, Holly and their family were at a stream Will, Emma’s brother, was messing about just when they were leaving and fell into the stream at the last minute Amy and Emma got a clear view of this.


 Snake attack– This story is true and set in Worcester… Amy and Amelia (Amy’s friend) were walking round a meadow when they saw a green snake with a dark green stripe slithering off, then they ran away laughing and screaming ”A SNAKE A SNAKE!!!!”

Bramble fall- This story is true and set in Wales… Emma and Amy were camping and found a really epic den if you wanted to get to it then you needed to cross a small stream and walk through a bush of brambles then you would be at the den. Amy and Emma were the only ones who really wanted to go near all the spicky brambles but sometimes Holly came. They were both exploring the back of the den when all of a sudden Emma fell back on the brambles to get to the small river and got a big cut on her bottom!

Toad adventure- This story is true and set in Wales… Amy and Emma were in the SBE tent when Emma got out to grab a drink. Amy was just coming in when suddenly Emma felt a rock under the tent and got it from underneath. Then she saw she was picking up a big, nobly TOAD!

Smallest montain- This story is true and set in Wales… Emma, Amy and Holly were all climbing a mountain. About fifteen minutes later, they were at the top it was tiny the smallest mountain in the world. Soon they found out it was a hill.

Bat show- This story is True and set in South Wales… Emma and Amy were at a wedding and got a little bit bored they were walking around at about 10 ‘ O clock when they saw a signpost saying meadow walk. It looked cool so they went on the meadow walk. Then they saw some bats, it was awesome! They sat and watched it was like a ‘Bat Show’ (it was).They saw about 20 different bats!

Taxi Chase– This story was true and set in Wales… All of the SBE members were walking home from a busy wedding needing to catch a taxi. Just as they got to the top of the hill a taxi went down the hill. All the Mums and Dads were shouting ‘STOP TAXI SSSTTTOOOPPP’ They chased as quick as they could and all the children sped down the hill laughing. Finally all the children got in as the parents were so worn out. ‘It was a true Taxi Chase.’ They said (the SBE members just rolled their eyes.)

Drowny– This story is true and set in South Wales… All of the SBE members were at a lake and Will (Emma and Rosa’s brother) was being silly and threw a plastic seagull into the water. Emma and Amy made a chain with their arms and lowered them into the depths of water. THEY GOT THE SEAGULL BACK!!!!!!! Then suddenly Will picked it up and thew it so deep into the water! They wern’t allowed in the water so the seagull was gone forever (thanks to Will). They called him Drowny and made a little funreal (Poor Drowny)

Helmet Slip- This story is true and set in Worcester… Amy, Emma and John were all caving when they saw a small hole that they could all just fit through, 3 seconds before Emma was about to go though the small hole her helmet slipped off. ‘AGHAGH’ Emma said because the caves were so low she almost banged her head. Lukily, she tightly attached it on so she could go through the hole.

Cliff Edge Adventure- This story is true and set in Worcester… Holly and Rosa were having a drink, so the rest of the SBE members (Amy, Emma and John) went to look for more caves with their grandad. Instead they found themselfs walking along the steepest bit of the cliff. It was quite scary watching a 6 year old (John) using only one tree to surrport himself as he looked down a 40 metre cliff edge.

The Save- This story is true and set in Worcester… John was scarmbling up the mountin edge when all of a sudden he slipped and slid down the Autumn leaves. Lukily, Emma managed to grab his arm and stop his fall, the rest of the way up the side of the mountain Emma helped him if he slipped. However, he didn’t slip again.

No Harness- This story is true and set in Worcester… Amy was climbing up a mini cliff rock area, she did it completely normaly just like how every one else would do it, but there was one little thing that she didn’t have. A HARNESS (she didn’t fall, but if she did she would have badly hurt herself!)

Grated Cheese?- This story is true and set Worcester… All of the SBE members were meeting up with each other at the old hills in Worcester. Their was a massive (when I say massive- I mean massive) tree that we all climbed with help of a professional. Emma and Amy both climbed the tree to the very end and touched the carabiner at the very top. Holly, Rosa and John didn’t quite reach the top (after all they are much younger). When Emma was climbing the tree her fingers got grated in between the rope and bark of the tree trunk. To add onto the pain they were FREEZING cold because she wasn’t allowed to wear gloves when climbing- safety reasons. A little while after, the SBE went to a place for a rope swing to be put up. It was ready when Amy and Emma set the challange for themselfs to go on the rope swing together- was this a good idea? When they were doing this Emma’s finger got wedged in a belaying device. She painfully yanked it out. At the end of this she said to Rosa, “my finger got badly hurt today it got grated!” Rosa said back nothing but, “grated like grated cheese!”

River Rescue- This story is true and set in Worcester…. This week John fell into a river, his mum didn’t hear him fall so kept doing whatever she was doing. It was Holly and Amy that saw and heard him fall! So as you can guess they rushed into the water and pulled John out. Afterwards they found themselves shivering- were they shivering with shock? John was okay in the end but WOW!

Crowd surfing- This story is true and set in France…. We went to France and near the end of our fantastic 2 week holdiay it was Rosa’s birthday! She/he went in the pool and stood on a bodyboard floating in the water (this is a lot harder than it seems). Then we all pushed the bodyboard, while she was on it, to the other end of the pool. ROSA CROWD SURFED!

Wet– This story is true and set in Worcester…… We went to a small park in Worcester and found a forest, inside the forest there was a lake. It was fun hopping over the shallow bits of the lake and walking on fallen tree trunks in the deeper bits. But then Holly fell into the lake in one of the deep muddy bits. She got very wet. Next Rosa fell in one of the shallow bits (only her feet got wet)!

Tree Tag– This story is true and set in a park in Worcester… Emma, Holly, John, Rosa and Amy having a photo shoot in the usual park. When they stopped to play in the big oak tree. In about five minites Amy’s Dad (a pro tree climber) went to join them. They all played one of the funest games in the world- tree tag. It’s where one person has to escape from everyone else, they can climb high into the top branches or swing low from branch to branch! It’s fantastic!

The mountain– This story is true and set in Scotland…. Emma, Holly, Rosa, Amy, John and some of their family went on a hike up a mountain. The mountain had very high edges which were very dangerous! However, the SBE managed to stay safe and nobody fell. Just as everybody thought that they had reached the top, there was another bit. But this bit was fun because it was scrambling! Everyone had fun scrambling and when they got to the top they could see for miles! They could even see their campsite!

The wire bridge- This story is true and set in Scotland…. All of the SBE went on a waterfall walk in Scotland and whilst they were on it they saw a wire bridge. Before they had a go they watched some other people do it. One person fell off and onto the hard gravel, a crowd of people went around him and somehow- he was okay! Next, all the SBE had a go- with harnesses on because they were too short to do it without. However, of course Amy rose to the challange to do it harnessless. Thankfully, she didn’t fall off and she succeeded in getting to the other side!