
These are some of are adventures or even just pictures of us, Thanks!

Please if you can spred the word about the SBE and the websight

In July 2021, we went camping in Wales with all our family 10 people all together, and their was this big lake that was really deep and we could jump into it.

Then in July 2022, we went camping again in the same spot with all our family and we jumped into the big lake again.

To get extra SBE points please do this work! (It’s completely optional) You can click on the link and press “Create new” then try creating different Easter SBE T-shirt designs! Email me your work as a link on the Ideas page!!!!!!

Hi, here is a read and answer about elephants, screenshot your answers and I will give you some points (especially if you do well)

try and figure out what these animals are

check if you have everything on this checklist

What to take on an quick camping trip:


  • uncheckedFood that won’t go off
  • uncheckedSeveral bottles of water
  • uncheckedA sleeping bag 
  • A thermal insulator

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As you probably already know, the SBE are going on a camping trip in Scotland. Here is a poster that Rosa has created for you. I don’t know about you but I think it’s a great poster!!!!!!